Koru Koru

A Teaser of Something to Come

WARNING: (This book will probably change your life)

This book was written by someone who believes things that most people don’t or won’t.

He believes that everything happens for a reason that helps you grow!

One who believes that “GOD” won’t punish you for making a mistake. Your mistakes are part of life, we all make them and we will not burn in “hell” for doing so.

It was written by a man who broke the mold of generations of upbringing because he knew it wasn't the way for him.

A man who opened basement, closet, and attic doors to face his fears. One who intentionally turned of all the lights and sat in the dark to face even more fears.

A man who took over 45 years to find what the meaning of being a man meant to him.

A sensitive boy, who became a man, that faced ridicule in every aspect of his life because people could not understand him.

A sensitive soul that completely disconnected from that sensitivity to survive a harsh Southern belief system but reconnected to it again later in life.

Someone who dared to ask questions and challenge those belief systems.


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Nothing Stays the Same

Life IS change!

Now if you were to really put some honest thought into it you would see that the title of this post is true. Are you the same today as you were 10 years ago? 5 years ago? Last year? If you think yes, I might suggest being more honest with yourself. First of all it's physiologically impossible for a human to stay the same. Every cell in our body dies and new ones are replaced constantly. Secondly, our minds change. We learn new things (these are legitimate changes) constantly. Our tastes in food changes. The clothes we wear. The music we listen too. The people in our lives. The list goes on and on. We humans are so afraid of change that we refuse to believe in the most simple changes out of fear we are changing. Ironic isn't it?

Change is wonderful! Change, as scary as it sometimes can be, let's us know we are alive. The fear in our gut says something to us. No, it doesn't say "don't do this or that" it says, "HELLO LIFE!" To me, life without fear would be a very boring and dull life. Often, as I run in the trails of a mountain this little fear creeps in and I worry about mountain lions, bears or coyotes ... oh my! ;) Does that keep me from running? Ummm, no. Do I scan the woods around me? Yes I do! That small fear keeps me on my toes. It keeps me from settling into 'normalcy'. (Normalcy will be covered in another post)

How do you handle change? How do you handle a boyfriend or girlfriend breaking up with you? How do you handle struggling with a sudden drop in the ol' bank account? How do you handle getting sick? Injury? Death of someone close to you or an animal family member? These are just a few ways that life always creates change. Lots of times you don't see it as change because it's just, well, life. But can't you see that life IS change? Every day in some way something changes. What makes others better in life, or at dealing with change, is simply the way they see (perceive) change.

If you see change as a horrible, painful or disruptive event then how do you think change will impact your life? It will be horrible, painful and disruptive or course! A simple shift in the way you perceive change will alter the way change impacts your life. Begin to see change as what life does to bring knowledge, growth and newness into your life. My belief is that what goes away from you makes room for something or someone better. Life is NOT out to get you. Life is not a personal vendetta of some "god" to destroy you or make your life miserable. Life happens to all of us all of the time.  Realize that nothing stays the same, change the way you perceive the changes of life and life will get better. Mine did ...

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